using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using WindowsPerformanceViewer; class DiagnosticsUtils { public static readonly String LF = "\r\n"; public static readonly String[] BOOT_DATA_NAMES = { "BootStartTime", "BootTime", "MainPathBootTime", "BootPostBootTime", "BootTsVersion", "BootEndTime", "SystemBootInstance", "UserBootInstance", "BootKernelInitTime", "BootDriverInitTime", "BootDevicesInitTime", "BootPrefetchInitTime", "BootPrefetchBytes", "BootAutoChkTime", "BootSmssInitTime", "BootCriticalServicesInitTime", "BootUserProfileProcessingTime", "BootMachineProfileProcessingTime", "BootExplorerInitTime", "BootNumStartupApps", "BootIsRebootAfterInstall", "BootRootCauseStepImprovementBits", "BootRootCauseGradualImprovementBits", "BootRootCauseStepDegradationBits", "BootRootCauseGradualDegradationBits", "BootIsDegradation", "BootIsStepDegradation", "BootIsGradualDegradation", "BootImprovementDelta", "BootDegradationDelta", "BootIsRootCauseIdentified", "OSLoaderDuration", "BootPNPInitStartTimeMS", "BootPNPInitDuration", "OtherKernelInitDuration", "SystemPNPInitStartTimeMS", "SystemPNPInitDuration", "SessionInitStartTimeMS", "Session0InitDuration", "Session1InitDuration", "SessionInitOtherDuration", "WinLogonStartTimeMS", "OtherLogonInitActivityDuration", "UserLogonWaitDuration", }; public static readonly int N_BOOT_VALS = BOOT_DATA_NAMES.Length; public static readonly String SEPARATOR_LINE = "--------------------------------------------------"; /// /// Returns a string with the given message and the message from the Exception. /// This is a local copy and should be removed eventially. /// /// /// /// public static String excMsgLocal(String msg, Exception ex) { return msg + ":" + LF + ex.Message; } /// /// Lists the standard logs on the current computer. /// /// A String with info. public static String listLogs() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); EventLog[] remoteEventLogs; // Gets logs on the local computer, give remote computer name to get the // logs on the remote computer. remoteEventLogs = EventLog.GetEventLogs(System.Environment.MachineName); sb.AppendLine("Number of logs on computer: " + remoteEventLogs.Length); for (int i = 0; i < remoteEventLogs.Length; i++) sb.AppendLine("Log: " + remoteEventLogs[i].Log); return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Gets provider data for the Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance provider. /// /// A String with info. public static String getDiagnosticsEventProvider() { return getEventProvider("Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance"); } /// /// Gets provider data for the specified provider. /// /// The name of the provider. /// A String with info. public static String getEventProvider(String providerName) { EventLogSession session = new EventLogSession(); String providerMessageFilePath = String.Empty; String providerParameterFilePath = String.Empty; String providerResourceFileName = String.Empty; String providerHelpLink = String.Empty; String providerDisplayName = String.Empty; //IList eventLogLinks = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { sb.AppendLine("Provider: " + providerName); ProviderMetadata metaData = new ProviderMetadata(providerName, //Provider name to look up session, //The session CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); //Culture of active thread if (metaData != null) { providerDisplayName = metaData.DisplayName; //Display Name of the provider if (metaData.HelpLink != null) providerHelpLink = metaData.HelpLink.ToString(); //Link to external help on event providerMessageFilePath = metaData.MessageFilePath; //Source of provider metadata providerParameterFilePath = metaData.ParameterFilePath; //Source of provider metadata providerResourceFileName = metaData.ResourceFilePath; //Resource with provider metadata //eventLogLinks = metaData.LogLinks; } //sb.AppendLine("HelpLink: " + providerHelpLink); //sb.AppendLine("MessageFilePath: " + providerMessageFilePath); //sb.AppendLine("ParameterFilePath: " + providerParameterFilePath); //sb.AppendLine("ResourceFilePath: " + providerResourceFileName); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("This provider has the following logs:"); foreach (EventLogLink eventLink in metaData.LogLinks) { sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendFormat("Display Name: {0}" + LF, eventLink.DisplayName); sb.AppendFormat("LogName: {0}" + LF, eventLink.LogName); } sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("This provider publishes the following events:"); foreach (EventMetadata eventData in metaData.Events) { sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine("Event ID " + eventData.Id); sb.AppendLine(eventData.Description); } sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); } catch (Exception ex) { sb.Append(excMsgLocal("Error in getEventProviders", ex)); } return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Reads a given log. Doesn't work unless it is one of the standard logs. /// /// Can be Application, Security, System or any other Custom Log. /// Number of lines back from the end to read. /// A String with info. public static String readLog(String logName, int nToRead) { // The EventLog constructor is passed a String variable for // the log name and second argument mention the computer name that you // want to read the logs from, and that you have appropriate // permissions to StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { EventLog ev = new EventLog(logName, System.Environment.MachineName); sb.AppendLine("Log: " + ev.LogDisplayName); int LastLogToShow = ev.Entries.Count; if (LastLogToShow <= 0) { sb.AppendLine("No Event Logs in the Log: " + logName); } else { sb.AppendLine("Number of entries in the log: " + ev.Entries.Count); } // Read the last nToRead records in the specified log. if (nToRead > ev.Entries.Count) { nToRead = ev.Entries.Count; } sb.AppendLine("Reading last " + nToRead + " entries"); int i; for (i = ev.Entries.Count - 1; i >= LastLogToShow - nToRead; i--) { EventLogEntry CurrentEntry = ev.Entries[i]; sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine("Entry: " + (i + 1) + " From End: " + (LastLogToShow - i - 1)); sb.AppendLine("Event ID: " + CurrentEntry.InstanceId); sb.AppendLine("Entry Type: " + CurrentEntry.EntryType.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("Message: " + CurrentEntry.Message); } ev.Close(); /* Similarly you can loop through all the entries in the log using * the entries collection as shown in the following commented code. * For Each entry In ev.Entries */ } catch (Exception ex) { sb.AppendLine(excMsgLocal("Error in readDiagnostics", ex)); } sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine("End reading " + logName); return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Gets XML data for a provider. Works for all logs. /// /// Usually "*" /// PathType.LogName or PathType.FilePath /// /// Name of the log. E.g. "Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational" /// /// A String with info. public static String queryLogFileXml(String queryString, PathType type, String logName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Querying " + logName); EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(logName, type, queryString); int nItems = 0; try { EventLogReader logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery); // Display event info for (EventRecord eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent(); eventInstance != null; eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent()) { sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); String xml = eventInstance.ToXml(); #if FALSE XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); String info = XMLUtils.parseDoc(doc); sb.AppendLine(info); #else sb.AppendLine(xml); #endif nItems++; } } catch (EventLogNotFoundException ex) { sb.AppendLine(excMsgLocal("Could not find the external log to query!", ex)); } catch (Exception ex) { sb.AppendLine(excMsgLocal("Error in queryLogFileXml", ex)); } sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine("Number of events: " + nItems); sb.AppendLine("End querying " + logName); return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Calculates the min, max, mean, and (sample) standard deviation of the columns /// in a matrix of values. The first coluumn is assumed to not be numbers and is /// not calculated. Four items are added to the list, one with the min values, /// one with the max values, one with the mean values, and one with the standard /// deviations. The first column has the labels "Min", Max", "Mean", and /// "Standard Deviation". The values are written with two decimal spaces (using /// format "{0:0.00}"). /// /// The input list. public static void setStatistics(List list) { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return; } int count = list.Count; int nItems = list[0].Length; if (nItems <= 1) { return; } double[] sum = new double[nItems]; double[] sum2 = new double[nItems]; double[] min = new double[nItems]; double[] max = new double[nItems]; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { sum[i] = 0; sum2[i] = 0; min[i] = Double.MaxValue; max[i] = Double.MinValue; } double[] mean = new double[nItems]; double[] stdev = new double[nItems]; double doubleVal; foreach (String[] array in list) { // Accumulate sums for all but the first items in the array for (int i = 1; i < nItems; i++) { // Convert to double // Handle boolean as 0 or 1 if (array[i].Equals("true")) { doubleVal = 1; } else if (array[i].Equals("false")) { doubleVal = 0; } else { try { doubleVal = Convert.ToDouble(array[i]); } catch (FormatException) { doubleVal = Double.NaN; } catch (OverflowException) { doubleVal = Double.NaN; } } sum[i] += doubleVal; sum2[i] += doubleVal * doubleVal; if (doubleVal < min[i]) { min[i] = doubleVal; } if (doubleVal > max[i]) { max[i] = doubleVal; } } for (int i = 1; i < nItems; i++) { mean[i] = sum[i] / count; if (count == 1) { stdev[i] = 0; } else { stdev[i] = Math.Sqrt((sum2[i] - count * mean[i] * mean[i]) / (count - 1)); } } } String[] meanString = new String[nItems]; meanString[0] = "Mean"; String[] stdevString = new String[nItems]; stdevString[0] = "Standard Deviation"; String[] minString = new String[nItems]; minString[0] = "Min"; String[] maxString = new String[nItems]; maxString[0] = "Max"; for (int i = 1; i < nItems; i++) { meanString[i] = String.Format("{0:0.00}", mean[i]); stdevString[i] = String.Format("{0:0.00}", stdev[i]); if (min[i] == Double.MaxValue) { minString[i] = "NA"; } else { minString[i] = String.Format("{0:0.00}", min[i]); } if (max[i] == Double.MinValue) { maxString[i] = "NA"; } else { maxString[i] = String.Format("{0:0.00}", max[i]); } } list.Add(minString); list.Add(maxString); list.Add(meanString); list.Add(stdevString); } /// /// Gets a List of int[N_BOOT_VALS] values representing the boot times. /// /// 0: BootStartTime /// 1: BootTime /// 2: MainPathBootTime /// 3: BootPostBootTime /// /// /// The List. public static List getBootTimes() { //String queryString = "*[System/Level=2]"; // XPATH Query String queryString = "*"; // XPATH Query String logName = "Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational"; PathType pathType = PathType.LogName; List list = new List(); EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(logName, pathType, queryString); int nItems = 0; try { EventLogReader logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery); for (EventRecord eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent(); eventInstance != null; eventInstance = logReader.ReadEvent()) { if (eventInstance.Id != 100) { continue; } String[] vals = new String[N_BOOT_VALS]; list.Add(vals); String xml = eventInstance.ToXml(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); // Assign a prefix to allow accessing the namespace. Select without a namespace // gives only items not in a namespace. All of ours are in the // namespace. Thus, // we need to specify the namespace. XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ms", ""); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator(); XPathNodeIterator iter; int count; for (int i = 0; i < N_BOOT_VALS; i++) { iter = nav.Select("/ms:Event/ms:EventData/ms:Data[@Name='" + BOOT_DATA_NAMES[i] + "']", namespaceManager); count = iter.Count; if (count == 0) { vals[i] = "NA"; } else { iter.MoveNext(); vals[i] = iter.Current.Value; } } nItems++; } } catch (EventLogNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(excMsgLocal("Could not find the " + logName + "log", ex)); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(excMsgLocal("Error in getBootTimes", ex)); return null; } return list; } /// /// Creates a CSV file with boot time information. /// /// The file name to write to. /// "OK" if successful or an error message. public static String createBootTimesCsvFile(String fileName) { TextWriter swBootTimeCsv = null; try { swBootTimeCsv = new StreamWriter(fileName); // Get the boot times List bootTimes = DiagnosticsUtils.getBootTimes(); if (bootTimes == null) { return "Could not get boot times"; } // Write the headers foreach (String name in DiagnosticsUtils.BOOT_DATA_NAMES) { swBootTimeCsv.Write(name + ","); } swBootTimeCsv.WriteLine(); // Add the statistics DiagnosticsUtils.setStatistics(bootTimes); // Write the data if (bootTimes != null) { foreach (String[] array in bootTimes) { foreach (String val in array) { swBootTimeCsv.Write(val + ","); } swBootTimeCsv.WriteLine(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return "Failed to write " + fileName + LF + ex.Message; } finally { // Close the stream if (swBootTimeCsv != null) { swBootTimeCsv.Close(); } } return "OK"; } public static String getDiagnosticsLogForEvents(int startId, int endId) { String queryString = "*"; // XPATH Query String logName = "Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational"; PathType pathType = PathType.LogName; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(logName, pathType, queryString); sb.AppendLine(logName); sb.AppendLine("ID=" + startId + "-" + endId); try { EventLogReader logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery); int count = 0; EventLogRecord elr; for (EventRecord er = logReader.ReadEvent(); er != null; er = logReader.ReadEvent()) { if (er.Id < startId || er.Id > endId) { continue; } count++; // Needs to be cast to get to FormatDescription elr = (EventLogRecord)er; sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); // This outputs the description formatted with the event values sb.AppendLine(elr.FormatDescription()); #if false IEnumerable keywordDisplayNames = er.KeywordsDisplayNames; sb.AppendLine("Keyword Display Names"); foreach (String name in keywordDisplayNames) { sb.AppendLine(" " + name); } IList eventProperties = er.Properties; sb.AppendLine("Event Properties"); foreach (EventProperty prop in eventProperties) { sb.AppendLine(" " + prop.Value); } sb.AppendLine("XML: " + er.ToXml()); #endif } sb.AppendLine(SEPARATOR_LINE); sb.AppendLine(LF + "Events found : " + count); } catch (EventLogNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(excMsgLocal("Could not find the " + logName + "log", ex)); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(excMsgLocal("Error in getBootTimes", ex)); return null; } return sb.ToString(); } }